{ "culture": "en-NZ", "name": "", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "This layer identifies the areas defined as floodway in the Southland Flood Control and Drainage Management Bylaw 2020", "description": "
This layer identifies the areas defined as floodway in the Southland Flood Control and Drainage Management Bylaw 2020.<\/SPAN>The bylaw became operative on 23 May 2020.<\/SPAN><\/P> The <\/SPAN>Floodway<\/SPAN>s <\/SPAN>feature class<\/SPAN> <\/SPAN>w<\/SPAN>as<\/SPAN> <\/SPAN>created in September 2019 by the GIS team, under the guidance of the Asset Catchment Engineer, Environment Southland.<\/SPAN> <\/SPAN>These areas are indicative, they <\/SPAN>complement <\/SPAN>the bylaw.<\/SPAN>The FloowaysSimplified feature class was created for web viewing and open data. It was created by dissolving the objects on all three attributes, then simplifying with a<\/SPAN> simplification tolerance<\/SPAN> of 8m<\/SPAN>.<\/SPAN><\/P> Floodway means an area managed by the Council that has the effect or is intended to have the effect of regulating or controlling the flow or spread of flood water. For the purposes of the abovementioned Bylaw, means any floodway as shown in Appendix 2. <\/SPAN><\/P> The Southland Flood Control and Drainage Management Bylaw 2019 has been prepared under the Local Government Act 2002. Management, regulation and protection of flood control works is necessary in order to ensure the effective operation and integrity of flood control works owned by, or under the control of, the Southland Regional Council. <\/SPAN><\/P> Climate change is expected to lead to increases in the frequency and intensity of extreme rainfall in the future. Council anticipates that its flood control works identified in this bylaw will change in the future in order to effectively prepare for climate change.<\/SPAN><\/P>