{ "culture": "en-NZ", "name": "", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "The content of the Schedule X maps was approved by the Environment Court in the Fifth Interim Decision (NZEnvC 265 December 2022). \n\nInitially copied from Rec2ws layer in Rec2_watersheds group here: M:\\GIS\\Data\\Hydrology\\River Environment Classification\\nzRec2.gdb\nIn order to allow joins/editing without damaging core dataset. Joined to DegradedEstuaryCatchmentsRECv2.4.xlsx located here: G:\\GIS\\Environmental Information\\2023\\pSWLP_CourtMaps_09022023\n\nJoins to different spreadsheet to the other similarly named dataset, to permit addition of TN and TP layers.", "description": "

The data set is the product of numerous expert conferences required by the Environment Court to determine which waterbodies in Southland are \u2018degraded\u2019 or \u2018not degraded\u2019 based on a range of criteria/indicators. The Joint Witness Statements produced at the expert conferences are available on the Environment Southland website.  <\/SPAN><\/P>

The important attributes are nzsegment (primary key), which can be used to join the watershed polygons to the river network, and the old_nzreach (which can be used to retrieve values from REC1 river classification, and other previously calculated properties). The shape_area gives the area of the watershed in meters squared.<\/SPAN><\/P><\/DIV>", "summary": "The content of the Schedule X maps was approved by the Environment Court in the Fifth Interim Decision (NZEnvC 265 December 2022). \n\nInitially copied from Rec2ws layer in Rec2_watersheds group here: M:\\GIS\\Data\\Hydrology\\River Environment Classification\\nzRec2.gdb\nIn order to allow joins/editing without damaging core dataset. Joined to DegradedEstuaryCatchmentsRECv2.4.xlsx located here: G:\\GIS\\Environmental Information\\2023\\pSWLP_CourtMaps_09022023\n\nJoins to different spreadsheet to the other similarly named dataset, to permit addition of TN and TP layers.", "title": "PlansReports.DBO.CatchmentDegradationTotalNitrogen", "tags": [ "stream" ], "type": "", "typeKeywords": [], "thumbnail": "", "url": "", "minScale": 150000000, "maxScale": 5000, "spatialReference": "", "accessInformation": "", "licenseInfo": "" }