Alerts (32)
Main Towns (1)
All Towns (2)
ES Dams (30)
Historic Photos (34)
Stewart Island Photos (38)
Southland Boundary (4)
Regional Boundary Line (5)
Rail (7)
State Highway (8)
Road (9)
River Search (10)
Minor Southland Rivers (12)
Most Southland Rivers (13)
River Polygons (14)
Major Southland Rivers (15)
Major Lakes (16)
Address Points (17)
National Park (18)
TLA Boundaries (19)
| Gore District |
| Invercargill City |
| Southland District |
Constituency Boundary (20)
| Eastern-Dome Constituency |
| Fiordland Constituency |
| Hokonui Constituency |
| Invercargill-Rakiura Constituency |
| Southern Constituency |
| Western Constituency |
DOC Southern Operations Region (21)
PCA Boundary (26)
Gore Airshed (23)
Invercargill Airshed (24)
Invercargill to Bluff Walkway Points (43)
Walking Tracks (25)
Motopohue (36)
ES Flood Protection Network (28)
ES Drainage Network (27)
QEII Covenants (40)
Contaminated Land Sites (42)
Contaminated Land Disclaimer Areas (39)
Southland Winter Forage 2017 (33)
| WF kale |
| WF other brassica and swede |
| WF fodder beet |
| WF cereal |
| Winter grazing - other/unknown |
| Agricultural bare soil |
| Crop residue and dead vegetation |
| Autumn-planted crop or pasture |
| Pasture - improved |
| Pasture - unimproved or low-cover |
| Unknown agriculture |
| Tussockland, herbfield, shrubland |
| Forest and scrub |
| Water |
| Snow and ice |
| Rock, gravel, sand |
| Hill-country bare soil |
| Unclassified |